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Philodendron Lemon Lime (Ceylon Golden)


  • Plant’s height with a pot approximately 1 & 1.5 feet and pot size 4 & 6 inches in height.
  • Live plant along with the coloured plastic pot.
  • The plant can grow around the year.
  • The plant is useful for home decor, garden decor, and gift purposes.
  • Thrive in indirect light.
  • Water twice a week.
  • Add the fertilizer annually to the soil.


Philodendron Lemon Lime (Ceylon Golden)

Philodendron Lemon Lime easy to grow houseplant, ‘Lemon Lime’ Philodendron brings trailing foliage in shades of bright yellow to chartreuse. Its cascading stems can grow quite long, almost 12′! and is best kept trimmed to a desirable length. ‘Lemon Lime’ Philodendron will thrive in many different light conditions, including low light areas, but prefers bright indirect light.

Philodendron Ceylon Golden Plant is commonly known as Philodendron Golden Emerald, Fiddle-leaf philodendron, Gold Satin, Philodendron Golden Erubescens, Velvet Leaf. It is a part of the Araceae family. It is an evergreen and popular houseplant. The philodendron is an indoor as well as an outdoor plant.

Due to its ease of care and handsome looks, it makes a popular choice for schools, shopping centres, offices, and homes. Mix it with seasonal mixed annuals to create containers with a tropical flair. It can be trained on a trellis or used as a trailing plant in hanging baskets and containers. It improves air quality by removing toxins in the air. plant in well-draining, good potting soil. Fertilize plants occasionally when they are actively growing, usually April through Aug, following fertilizer manufacturer’s directions. Water consistently, letting plants dry out between watering. Pinch growing tips for bushier growth. Plants prefer warm temperatures and should not be moved outdoors until night temperatures are at least 60 degrees or more. and the best part of this plant is the pure air cleaning plant. Toxic to dogs, cats and kids.

Benefits of Philodendron Lemon-lime

Having a Lemon Lime Philodendron is not only a beautiful and striking plant in its own right. Incorporating more plants indoors can have a very positive impact on your mental health by reducing levels of anxiety and stress. Beyond its decorative and mental health benefits, Lemon Lime Philodendron will help to purify the air in your home. Lemon Lime Philodendron can remove nearly all of your indoor toxins.


Bright indirect light to low light. Lime Philodendron can survive and do well with low light situations, but they will grow more quickly with brighter light.


Twice a week.


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