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Dieffenbachia Dumbcane “Leopard lily”


  • Plant with 6-inch pot size.
  • plant height with pot 2 feet.
  • indoor and semi-shade plant.
  • Light: Medium to bright light.
  • Water: Two to three times a week.
  • Useful for gifts Plants, office decorative.
  • Used as ornamental for Ground cover in shade areas.

3 in stock


Dieffenbachia Dumbcane “Leopard lily”

The easy-to-maintain Dieffenbachia is an attractive plant. Its patterned leaves are strikingly beautiful. Anyone looking for houseplants with sustaining growth makes a good choice with the Dieffenbachia. Quite small as a seedling it can be placed anywhere while it should later get a nice location. But above all, it is carefree and delivers great joy even to people without green thumbs.

How to Grow & Care For Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia can live long happy lives with proper care and culture.

Light: Medium to bright light.

Water: Two to three times a week.

Feed: Liquid fertiliser once a month.

Native Region

Tropical parts of North & South America

Common Names

Leopard Lily, Dumb Cane

Botanical Name

Dieffenbachia spp.



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